Pengumuman Pendidikan Kode Etik Untuk Advokat Asing (Announcement of Code Ethics Course for Foreign Lawyers) 2024
Pengumuman Pendidikan Kode Etik Untuk Advokat Asing (Announcement of Code Ethics Course for Foreign Lawyers) 2024
Pengumuman Pendidikan Kode Etik Untuk Advokat Asing (Announcement of Code Ethics Course for Foreign Lawyers)
Based on the condition of article 23 section (2) of Law Number 18/2003 regarding Advocate, “An Advocate’s office may employ a foreign counsel as an employee or an expert in foreign law based upon a permit issued by the government upon the recommendation of the Bar Association”, therefore the National Board of Indonesian Bar Association (DPN PERADI), will hold the examination for foreign counsels in order to get the recommendation letter for foreign counsels that works in an advocate’s office that are in the region of Indonesian Republic. We herewith inform the time of the registration, training, and examination of foreign counsels as follows:
Kepada seluruh peserta Ujian Advokat Asing bulan Agustus 2016 yang telah dinyatakan lulus berdasarkan SuratKeputusan Panitia Ujian Advokat Asing dengan Nomor: KEP.001/PERADI-PUAA/2016 tanggal 15 September 2016 dapat mengambil Sertifikat KelulusanUjian langsung di Kantor Sekretariat DPN PERADI dengan jadwal pengambilan mulai tanggal 10 Oktober 2016 sbb:
Referring to the decree of the Examining Board for Foreign Advocate the year of 2016 Number: KEP.001/PERADI-PUAA/2016, dated September 15th 2016, below is the examination result that was conducted on August 24th 2014